Commemorative Seminar of Starting Incorporation of SFRM
[ Seminar scheduled for June 4, 2021 ] Explanation of the purpose of incorporation, greetings from the successive presidents, flame retardant materials for automobiles, evaluation of battery combustion, flame retardant material for 5G /battery.
The 6th Flame Retardant- Joint Seminar of the Japan Flame Retardants Association and SFRM (ONLINE)
[ November 20, 2020, Seminar ] Melamine flame retardant, low dielectric non-halogen flame retardant polystyrene for 5G, recent regulatory trends of antimony trioxide, reactive flame retardants for epoxy resins, development of flame retardant materials in COVID-19 calamity, flame-retarding technology and next-generation materials for battery, etc.
The 5th Meeting of The Japan Flame Retardants Association and SFRM
[ November 1, 2019, Seminar ] “The 5th Meeting of The Japan Flame Retardants Association and SFRM” Introduction of new flame retardants, regulatory trends of flame retardants, environmentally friendly flame retardant materials, flame retarding for building materials, trends and flame retarding of multi-materialization in electronic automobiles, etc.
The 4th Joint Seminar on SFRM and Japan Flame Retardant Association
[ November 9, 2018, Seminar ] The latest trends in chemical regulations and flame retardants in Europe, recent trends in flame-retarding technology in China, introduction of new flame retardants, development of flame retardant materials for next-generation automobiles, etc.